
Hello! We can't wait to celebrate our wedding with you on Saturday 24th May 2025 at the Larmer Tree Gardens.
Please arrive from 1pm for a 1:30pm ceremony start. This will be followed by drinks, dinner and dancing, with the night ending at 00:30am. Please make sure to pre-book your taxi home!
Then on Sunday 25th May, we'll be hosting a beach hang and Sports Day from 12pm on Branksome Chine Beach. We'll send a pin of exact location.
There will be optional sports to compete in and a dip in the sea for those keen!
Please find more details on everything below, and please RSVP using our form before the 3rd March 2025!
See you soon!
Laura & Jamie xxx


The address of the venue is The Larmer Tree Gardens, Tollard Royal, Salisbury SP5 5PY. The main approach roads are A354 and A30, when you're close look out for the Brown Flower Heritage Signs. Follow the main drive all the way in and you'll see the carpark and welcome signs to know you're in the right place!
Click here to open Google Maps.
Super important: there is no public transport around and the signal at the Larmer Tree is unreliable, so please arrange your transport back to your accommodation in advance. Rideshare companies (e.g., Uber) are unlikely to be available. Finish will be at 00:30am. If you do book a taxi, remember to bring cash!
You can also drive, with lots of free parking at the venue. Please collect cars the following day by 12pm.
Here are some local taxi companies that should be able to give you a ride back:
United Taxis: 01202 556677, https://556677.com/
PRC Streamline Taxis, 01202 373737, https://www.prcstreamline.co.uk/
Canford Taxis, 01202 886666, https://canford-taxis.co.uk/
Stag Taxis, 01747 646464, https://stagtaxis.com/
GMN Taxis, 01747 850385, http://www.gnmtaxis.co.uk/
Chart Taxis, 07379 069396, https://charttaxis.co.uk/
Ken's Kabs, 01258 456136, https://www.kenskabs.co.uk/
Prime Cabs, 01258 878787, https://www.prime-cabs.co.uk/
Dorset Comfort Cars, 01202 985222 or 07392828444, https://dorsetcomfortcars.co.uk/
Sarum Taxi Service, 07574 974739, https://sarumtaxiservice.wixsite.com/sarumtaxiservice
Triple 4 Triple 4 Taxis Salisbury: 01722 444444, https://triple4triple4taxis.co.uk
The Larmer Tree have helpfully provided a list of local accommodation, including a range of hotels, inns, B&Bs and self-catered accommodation. List available to view here.
In addition to the list provided by the Larmer Tree, here are some local towns and some of their accommodation options.
Wimborne (13 miles from the Larmer Tree):
The King’s Head Hotel: https://www.thekingshead.co.uk/
The 1777: https://www.1777.co.uk/
The Lion Hotel: https://www.lionhotelwimborne.co.uk/
Gordon House: Gordon House Guest House
Wimborne is also likely to have good Airbnb options and is closer to the beach if you’re joining for beach day on Sunday.
Shaftesbury (8 miles from the Larmer Tree)
Best Western Royal Chase Hotel: https://www.theroyalchasehotel.co.uk/
La Fleur de Lys Hotel: https://www.lafleurdelys.co.uk/
Shaftesbury is also likely to have good Airbnb options but it’s further away from the beach if you’re joining for beach day on Sunday.
Dress code is formal, with colour encouraged!
The venue is mainly outdoor during the day, moving inside for the evening.
Sharing our day with you is what matters most, but for those who would like to buy us a gift, we've created a list of things we'd most appreciate at:
Alternatively, we would also be grateful for contributions to our Honeymoon Adventure Fund, also available through the link above. Thank you!-
13:00 | Arrival
13:30 | Ceremony
14:00 | Drinks reception
16:30 | Wedding breakfast
19:00 | Party and live band
21:30 | More food
00:30 | Home time
Any Qs please message us:
Laura +44 7415 402475
Jamie +44 7944 181028
The plan is for a beach hang on the Sunday after the wedding. This is a much more informal event, come and go as you please! We'll be there from around 12pm for the afternoon. We'll post updates and a specific pin/w3w with location in the whatsapp we'll make beforehand. It will be near our beach hut on Branksome Chine.
There will be some relaxed social sports if you're keen. Let us know in the RSVP what you might be up for! All abilities, skills and energy levels welcome - enthusiasm is the only factor that matters. Also bring swim things for a dip in the sea!
Please RSVP by the 3rd March 2025.
Important! Please also make sure you submit a separate form for each individual on your invite, thank you!